Mystery of Trinity - Part 2 - Divinity
The Mystery of Trinity - Part 2, Christ Humanity & Divinity
A meditation on, to, & for, the mystery of the Dual Nature of Christ - Bob Frengel (October 2009)
(Meant to be learned as an expansion of the Trinity Rap – to help see how this can be)
The mystery of Jesus the Christ
God’s Living Water made solid like ice
Fully Human yet Fully Divine
This duality can puzzle our mind
The way to show is in nature again
Confirmed in the Word the Bible my friend
Jesus also said He is the Light
It is through Him we now have sight
Understanding light is the key
His duality we will see
Light also has this mystery
At once both matter and energy
For light is both particle and a wave
How can it be both? the answer we crave
Perhaps the formula Einstein gave
Might show the way, and our sanity save
Energy and Mass are interwined
In their connection we’ll see the Divine
For Einstein E = m c squared
This shows how energy and matter are paired
The key that connects, gives matter it’s might
That “c” that’s squared is the speed of light
And who is The Light Who shows The Lord
It’s Jesus Christ, God’s Living Word
So understanding light is the key
Christ Duality we can see
How He can be both God and man
The Light of the world shows us this plan
Light is both matter and also wave
We see in Christ how God can save
Emmanuel, God with us, from above
Jesus, God saves, His unending Love
Now when we move with velocity
We then have kinetic energy
And when is the most that we can be
When our speed is “the light”, our v = c
Now coming back to duality
Light is both photons and waves we see
And in being both we can understand
How Jesus is God, yet was also man
So understanding light is the key
Christ Duality we can see
How He can be both God and man
The Light of the world shows us this plan
Light is both matter and also wave
We see in Christ how God can save
Emmanuel, God with us, from above
Jesus, God saves, His unending Love
With Einstein’s equation of energy
We also “c” the best we can be
To imitate Christ with all our might
Is how we’re told to be His Light
Final Refrain
So understanding light is the key
Christ Duality we can see
How He can be both God and man
The Light of the world shows us this plan
Light is both matter and also wave
So we see in Christ how God can save
Go imitate Christ with all our might
That is how we can share His Light