
for the Lord

Listing of Lyrics - Contents: (And background of each)

* Dreams of St Joseph (while most of the songs were written in 2010, this one was written in December 2020 - I am placing here first because it is the first one I am publishing via this website)

During Advent 2020 I began meditating on the example of Joseph, during his dilemma of a lifetime. I heard one pastor reference the fact that God had guided Joseph with 4 dreams recorded in the New Testament, and this was amazingly parallel to Joseph in the Old Testament. As I pondered how God had guided Joseph of the Old Testament to help save His people of old, it was inspiring how God guided the man He wanted to be Jesus' foster or adoptive earthly father. I felt like God was calling me to write a song to capture what this might have been like. So I started to pray and put down some of the thoughts as I asked God for inspiration, and began to put these into lyrics that could be put into a song. Shortly after that, Pope Frances declared the liturgical year from December 2020 to December 2021, to be the year of St Joseph. With that seemingly confirmation of the desire God had put in my heart. So here are the lyrics to this song. I have never been good at putting these rhymes that God has given me into melodies or music. But after additional prayer, I did start to hear a little bit of a melody and chord progression to capture the mood. That will be put somewhere some day. But in the mean time, I wanted to publish these lyrics, because if someone else hears a song that will honor the example of St Joseph and glorify God as the song intends, I want to use these lyrics for His Purpose.

* Don’t stop shy (at only half the why)

The first battle that diverts people from the Truth, is the resolution of Faith and Science. Some think that science is all that is needed, and can explain away the need for God. Yet every one of man’s discoveries into the nature of our universe, only reveals an even deeper mystery underneath. Despite that, some atheists tend to look down on Christians or people of faith as if we are simple minded. So this poem challenges them to look beyond the first layer of the How and Why, to the deeper layer where God can be found.

* To understand evil, think like the devil (but in order to beat & avoid defeat, love like God)

Often times there are things that happen or that other people do, where it is hard to understand how such evil can be. It is sometimes easier for us to see and accept God, than it is to realize that there is also an enemy, even though Jesus warned us many times. It is only when we recognize the purpose behind those, that we can start to see how they really are attempts to keep us from keeping our sight and focus on God. But the only way to overcome those obstacles, is to follow The Way (The Truth, and The Light). We must follow the example that Jesus gave us.

* Follow The Example (while most of the songs were written in 2010, this one was 2020)

2020 was by far the most bizzare year we had ever experienced. During all the height of the violence and protests, God put this song in my heart. It was one of the few songs where He also gave me a melody for it and the chord progressions. The only way we will overcome the inustices we see, is to follow The Example (Who was The Way, The Truth, and The Light). We must follow the example that Jesus gave us.

* The Mystery of Trinity (God helps show with H 2 O)

Understanding the mystery of the Holy Trinity, is a complex matter. It is easy to say “in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”. But seeing the 3 as 1 God, has been a difficult concept that has kept many from seeing God’s Love through His Son. Thankfully, God has given us examples in His universe, to help us at least understand the possibility. This reflection started out when looking into the fact that God gave us many references in the scripture to His nature being the water for our soul. In realizing that water has 3 distinct and different forms that we see, yet always the same chemical molecule, God did give us a way to at least see the possibility of the 3 Natures in 1 God. And amazingly, these 3 also relate to how God lifts and nourishes us.

* The Mystery of Divinity (The duality of Christ Humanity and Divinity)

Just like the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the mystery of Jesus being “fully human, and fully divine” is another concept that has been difficult to grasp, and resulted in some people giving up on the faith. But again, God gave us an incredible example in nature, that shows us how the impossible can be possible. And the amazing thing is that in the scriptures, He uses this very subject to refer to His Presence in His Son. Jesus is referred to as “the Light of the world”. And it is the nature of just that, which shows us that this mystery is possible.

* We don’t grow by what we know

All this knowledge is nice. But unless it is put into action in love, God’s fruit (how we are to be known as part of His vine) will not be recognized.

* Wedding Ring Meaning

Inspired by a Marriage Retreat Reflection on what our wedding rings meant to us, seen especially by the example of my wife Vonnie.

* While I am considering applying for a copyright for some of these lyrics, especially the Dreams of St Joseph via the song I am writing, this is only so that if anything comes of these, I want them to benefit the organizations that inspired them. (For example, many were inspired via the church I attend, the youth whom I taught who asked the questions that got me thinking deeper on the subjects, or the Cursillo events and Couples Ministries that helped me grow in the Lord. And I would be thrilled if the Dreams of St Joseph, could help our parish St Joseph in Gulfport.)

But I would be most honored for other musicians if they hear a melody and song to put this to, to allow these words to be shared for the Glory of God. I am praying for God to use all of these lyrics as He needs. Just please send me an email to, or to let me know if you are using, and how it sounds. With great thanks to our Loving God.