Don't Stop Shy
Don’t Stop Shy, At Only Half the Why
By Bob Frengel
A prayer for the Atheists who don’t look far enough (and mock those who look to God)
To the atheists who mock people of faith:
Your belief that things just are, is more faith than that you mock
You stop short at the HOW, and at the WHO, you scoff
But Science without spirit that’s Mechanics without Meaning
You stop shy at only half the why.
The marvels that comprise a life are so intricately entwined
The depth of it’s complexity should simply blow your mind
Each piece we discover only causes us to yearn
The more we learn, the more we learn the more we need to learn
Your belief that things just are, is more faith than that you mock
You stop short at the HOW, and at the WHO, you scoff
But Science without spirit that’s Principles without Purpose
You stop shy at only half the why.
How can this all just be all it takes, to make you and me
Don’t stop shy at only half the why
For if we stop to ponder it should only make us turn
To the Creator of all this wonder the Breath Who brought the form
Your belief that things just are, is more faith than that you mock
You stop short at the HOW, and at the WHO, you scoff
But Science without spirit that’s a body, without a soul
You stop shy at only half the why.