Follow THE Example

Follow THE Example Be AN Example

A meditation, Poem, and Plea for our country, by Bob Frengel

(These lyrics God has also given me a song for, which I will publish separately. But if they speak to you and you hear a song, please contact me to share.)

Verse 1

How do we end

Division in our land

This anger that cuts us in two

The hate that begins

With a view we can't stand

That clogs our ears, from hearing any truth

Chorus 1

Follow THE Example

And BE AN Example

Listen for the Truth, of God's Heart

For God so loved this world

That He came down to earth

To BE THE Example for us

Verse 2

How do we end

This dirge in our land

This darkness that covers our heart

The view that begins

With the color of one's skin

That cuts us, and rips us apart

Chorus 2

Follow THE Example

And Be AN Example

Speak out the Truth, with God's Love

For God so loved this world

That He came down to earth

To BE THE Example for us

Verse 3

How do we end

This scourge in our land

This blindness that covers our soul

The fear that begins

With a ViewPointed Lens

That keeps our land from becoming whole

Chorus 3

Follow THE Example

Be AN Example

Proclaim the Truth, with God's Love

For God so loved this world

That He came down to earth

To BE THE Example for us

Verse 4

How DO_WE quell this fear

That blocks us to hear

That gentle voice when God calls to us

We_must blot out that yell

From the demons of hell

Who twist our hurt, to burn injustice

Chorus 4

Follow THE Example

Be AN Example

LIVE out the Truth, of God's Love

For God so loved this world

That He sent His only Son

To BE God's Example for us

* While I am considering applying for a copyright for these lyrics via the song I am writing, I would be honored for other musicians if they hear a melody and song to put this to, to allow these words to be shared for the Glory of God. I am actually praying for God to use this as He needs. Just please send me an email to, or to let me know if you are using, and how it sounds. With great thanks to our Loving God.