Mystery of Trinity - Part 1
The Mystery of Trinity, God Helps Show with H 2 O
(A Trinity Rap)
A meditation on, to, for, and from the Holy Trinity - Bob Frengel
(June 2009 – April 2010)
It is simply hard to understand The curious case of God in man
For how can He be Father and Son And with the Spirit Three Yet One?
And so this truth about His Son with His birth our puzzle’s begun
The Mystery of Trinity. The Most Holy God helps us see
The Mystery of Trinity. God helps show with H 2 O
The mystery of life, if we’re to see
Should draw upon His Word for clarity
For Jesus said, He’s the water we need
Wisdom for our head, and our soul to feed
But He’s also our Rock on which we stand
So what are we to make about this plan
That Living Water, you know it’s the key
Quenching Source, gives life to you and me
The Mystery of Trinity. Father, Spirit, and Son Three, Yet ONE
The Mystery of Trinity. God helps show with H 2 O
See Water itself, is also one and three
When conditions change, 3 phases it can be
Mostly we see just one or two
Ice water or steam to name the few
Pressure and Temp that’s energy
That is what determines which we see
While 3 different forms to us they show
Everyone of them, is H 2 O
The Mystery of Trinity. Father, Spirit, and Son, Three Yet One
The Mystery of Trinity. God helps show with H 2 O
It all depends on the energy, Whether Ice Steam or Water, which will we see
While 3 different forms they may show. They are everyone of them, H 2 O
For when that water is solidified
It becomes our Rock, withstanding any tide
The Word made Flesh, God took our form
Gave solid example for us to learn
But when He died, our souls to save
He rose to new life and the Spirit He gave
The Fire of Love turns water into steam
Covers the earth, with it’s life giving stream
And that life giving force, is in us, you know
Cause you and I are made with H 2 O
Now here’s an extra thought, for the Trinity
So we can avoid a Heresy
Water’s just a symbol, to visualize
Something that is way beyond our eyes
Because we rarely see all 3
Don’t let this view limit how God can be
Unlike our water, that’s sometimes alone
The Trinity of God, does not disown
The Mystery of Trinity. Father, Spirit, and Son, Three In One
The Mystery of Trinity. God helps show with H 2 O
It all depends on the energy, Whether Ice Steam or Water, which will we see
While 3 different forms they may show. They are everyone of them, H 2 O
The awesome power, of Jesus plan
Don’t let this view, misunderstand
For when He entered Humanity
He then became, like you and me
That is another mystery
His human form with Divinity
But when on earth, He walked with men
He showed how we, on the Spirit depend
If our temptations, & pain He didn’t feel
Then His overcoming, would not have been real
But His Body and Spirit, united all 3
Showed us the path, how we’re to be
Ice, Water, and Steam, forever unite
And With His Love, we now have sight
For That is how, He overcame
The trials in life, that we now name
It’s only through, His energy
That through our fog, our eyes can see
Now that He has, shown us the way
On the Holy Spirit, we lean each day
We need His Spirit, to fill our soul
It’s the only way, for us to be whole
With God’s mighty Being, we get all 3
To help us grow how He made us to be
This prayer I’ve shared, I leave to thee
His Trinity rap, to help us see